supported by
Australian Government - Regional Arts Fund
TASMANIA Parks and Wildlife Service
Tasmanian Government
Huon Valley Council
Arts Tasmania

Inner Topographies
The whole thrust of this investigation is to
go underground.
I'm going underground
he isn't - he's being cremated.
janelle mendham INNER TOPOGRPHIES
... and so begins my Wilderness Residency at Hastings Caves ... telling stories from the cave ... walking the labyrinth, caught in a web, a meditation, a return ... to the inner spaces of Earth and Being.
wish you were here
wish you were here
you can hear the cave
the river under the cave
a waterfall
in the Cathedral
Photography by Bernie Carr

Red Chair Library + Inner Topographies installation

Red Chair Library + Inner Topographies installation
Photography by Peter Mathew

Inner Topographies installation (detail)

Inner Topographies installation (detail)

Inner Topographies installation

Inner Topographies installation (detail)
Photography by Peter Mathew
Book #41 of The People's Library
A Published Event project
founded by artists Justy Phillips & Margaret Woodward
many thanks
Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania - Hastings Manager, Beth Russell
Exhibition colleagues in Process/ion
Moonah Arts Centre
A Published Event - Justy Phillips and Margaret Woodward
supported by
TASMANIA Parks and Wildlife Service
Tasmanian Government
Australian Government - Regional Arts Fund
Arts Tasmania
Dombrovskis Parks and Wildlife Wilderness Residency

The People's Library is held in the collections of the
Tasmanian State Library and the National Library of Australia
The People’s Library is a contemporary artwork with a uniquely Tasmanian library at its core. Over 150 authors bring this performance library to life through readings, discussions and live events. A groundswell of public telling awaits:
Long Gallery Hobart 2018
Design Tasmania, Launceston 2023