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published by SalonWriting

a collection of mythopoetic writing

in response to my wilderness residency @ Hastings Caves


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$1+ postage 

 To buy please contact janelle through this website


SalonWriting is a collaborative publishing project focused on innovative and experimental writing from inside the creative process; writing that reveals how artists experience and reflect on the world and their practice.  The project is run by Ruth Hadlow, Marinelle Basson & Morag Porteous in Tasmania, Australia.

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Transgression - my inside cover drawing  from INNER TOPOGRAPHIES

The text from this publication is used for performative readings in :

-  Dark Cave (#1) inside Newdegate Cave at Hastings Caves,  

-  Dark Cave (#3 )  in the Hobart Town Hall Underground, 

-  Dark Cave I Sky Light (#4)  at the Tahune Airwalk in Tasmania's far south forest. 

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