supported by
Australian Government - Regional Arts Fund
TASMANIA Parks and Wildlife Service
Tasmanian Government
Huon Valley Council
Arts Tasmania

Liquid Language
... inside the Maritime Museum of Tasmania
... meander, yield and flow with the fluid poetic of water ...
Reimagining the Ocean - Readings from the Liquid Language Library intermingled with live music are performed in dialogue with the artworks in the exhibition Reimagining the Ocean.
double click on image to open readings
Liquid Language Library - Opening myriad perspectives on water through collected writings from across the world and through time + local zine publications and a cosy place to sit and read.
many thanks
Performance collaborators:
Liquid Language Readers - Chantale Delrue & Christl Berg
Duo Antiqua - Llewellyn Negrin (recorder) & Anne Marshall (oboe)
Jane Slade - print for the library installation 'Without Sinking: Waterwitch'
Guest Readers - Margaret Skowronski & Janine Combes
Chris Brown - photography
The Maritime Museum of Tasmania especially:
Mark Hosking - Operations Manager, Maritime Museum of Tasmania
Camille Reynes - Curator, Maritime Museum of Tasmania
Emily Quintin - Marketing Manager, Maritime Museum of Tasmania

Artworks were conceived for the embedded exhibition Reimagining the Ocean
@ Maritime Museum of Tasmania curated by Dr Llewellyn Negrin