supported by
Australian Government - Regional Arts Fund
TASMANIA Parks and Wildlife Service
Tasmanian Government
Huon Valley Council
Arts Tasmania

Arabesque | Ariadne's Thread
from inside women's spaces

Janelle Mendham, Jan Dineen, Christl Berg, Llewellyn Negrin
A beautifully unruly and gently subversive improvised play based on drawing room activities that once displayed a woman's accomplishment and breeding.
Initially an in-situ response to Hadley's Hotel Public Drawing-Room for Ladies (1896) - Arabesque extended, re-invented and now travels.

She’s unravelling literally and existentially and she’s doing it with abandon
disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control unruly
mix up something with something else
absurd wildly unreasonable, illogical
Spillage business In industrial production, spillage is the loss of production output due to production of a series of defective or unacceptable products
unchartered waters places not yet explored
unfamiliar situations in general
a complex structure in the inner ear containing the organs of hearing and balance labyrinth
extremely beautiful and delicate
He asks what she is doing? ‘a long crocheted line that has no meaning’ just like life he replies
Its immediate effects are to cause the blood to circulate more freely, and promote the actions of various organs of the body.
The Dictionary of Daily Wants, London, Houston and Sons, 1880 . p361
Photography and video @ Hadleys - Amy Jackett
all other Photography - Chris Brown
many thanks
Ruth Hadlow Project development through the Creative Research Program
Anne Marshall Oboe @ Hadley's and MAC
Amy Jackett Curator, Hadley's Orient Hotel
Christopher Brown Photography
Hadley's Orient Hotel
Moonah Arts Centre | MAC
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery TMAG